Multicultural Pentecost Sunday Mass / Misa de Pentecostés Multicultural
SUNDAY, MAY 19, 2024 – 11:00 a.m. in the Serra Gardens.
At Pentecost, people from every nation under heaven gathered in Jerusalem and heard the apostles speak in their language. Our Mission Statement attests that our parish is a community of many cultures. Our Culture and Diversity ministry invites all our parishioners to celebrate the Feast of Pentecost by attending Mass in the traditional dress of their culture.
Our 10 AM and 12 PM Masses will be combined to celebrate a multicultural and multilingual outdoor Mass!
10:30 a.m.—Assemble for Worship – Multicultural Music from our Choirs
11:00 a.m.—Outdoor Mass — Please bring your chair for the lawn. There will be extremely limited seating for the elderly and handicapped. Sun hats and sunscreen are recommended.
After Mass, enjoy food and cultural booths! Please wear traditional clothes from your culture or red for Pentecost.

If you want to share your culture with a culture table and food samples after the Multicultural Pentecost Mass on Sunday, May 19. please contact Betty Domingo at 760 439-8032 or Juan Jimenez at 760 783-7113 for more information.