Dear Parishioners:
You will notice our new RECYCLING – TRASH – FOOD containers in Serra Gardens. Here’s what goes into each one:
RECYCLING – BLUE – all kinds of paper and glass, aluminum cans and foil, metal cans, beverage containers, foam and plastic #6 containers (polystyrene), frozen food trays, plastic or glass milk jugs, plastic water bottles (#1 PET), large plastic bottles (#2 HDPE), hard plastic (#3 PVC), plastic caps, plastic bottles, plastic cups, takeout containers, yogurt cups.
ORGANICS—GREEN: food scraps, food-soiled paper, and green waste such as grass clippings, leaves, weeds, and other prunings. Pizza boxes, paper towels and napkins, paper bags, paper cups, and coffee filters. Any organics such as bones and food scraps.
LANDFILL – GREY – used diapers, blister packs, candy wrappers, coffee pods and capsules, corks, disinfecting wipes, drink pouches, foam egg cartons, face masks, hard plastic clamshell packaging, mesh bags, packing peanuts, plastic eggs, plastic food pouches, plastic plates, plastic lids, plastic table cloths, potato chip and snack bags, sponges, straws, popcorn bags, toilet paper, wax paper, waxed cardboard.

Click here to contact MSLRP’s Creation Care: Manty, Caroline, Claudia & Tony