In the first reading of today’s liturgy, the Third Sunday of Ordinary Time, Cycle C, we see that the prophet Ezra proclaims the Law before all the people so that they understand and accept and fulfill the Law in the days to come. But in the Gospel, Jesus stands up and proclaims that, even as they listen, the prophetic words are being realized at that very moment.

In Jesus Christ, the Law has been incarnated and lived among us. The Kingdom of God is not a distant reality that has not yet happened. The Kingdom of God is already among us. Jesus himself announces it by saying, “The time has come.”
The Spirit of the Lord is here, not that it will be here. The Lord is our light and our salvation, not that He will be our light and our salvation. This is the Good News. Freedom and mercy are realities like the air we breathe. The air surrounds us; we just have to inhale it. Likewise, the reality of the Kingdom of God is among us. It is present among us. And when we live it as a community, as a Church, as the Body of Christ, it becomes a lived experience, not an ideal or something in the future that we hope will happen.
After having heard the concerns of some parishioners who attend daily Mass in our parish chapel about the poor condition of the carpet that was under the pews and knowing their willingness to donate the cost of the material to lay a new floor, I asked some parishioners from the Hispanic community about their availability to donate labor for this project. Taking advantage of the fact that the floor had to be changed, I felt free to ask these volunteers to help us paint the chapel white to give it more clarity. In this way, we kill two birds with the same stone.
Thanks to the people who donated the money to purchase the material ($10,000.00). Thanks to members of the maintenance staff who removed the old carpet, removed and replaced the benches and other objects. Thank you to the volunteers who donated the labor for this project (about $8,000.00). Likewise, taking advantage of the fact that access to the chapel would be restricted during the days the new floor would be laid. Thanks to an extra donation that the parish received, we have taken advantage of repairing one of the two bridges around the Koi pond and placing a new fence that complies with the provisions of the State of California law. The cost of this other mini-project was approximately $20,000.00.
This is your parish. United as one family, we can achieve many things for everyone’s benefit today and in the future. I’m just passing through. You are the parish, and you are always here. Thank you for loving your Mission San Luis Rey parish.
Fr. Lalo Jara, OFM
Pastor, Mission San Luis Rey Parish
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