A second collection for National Needs will be at the masses this weekend. These funds aid Mission Work, Catholic Communication and Human Development Campaigns, and the Catholic University of America. Thank you for your kind donations.
Look for our Samoan Community food sale for ministry needs after the Sunday masses at 8 am, 10 am, and noon. They have teriyaki bowls, donuts, and drinks.
The Historic Mission is having a Blanket Drive. New or gently used blankets may be taken to the Old Mission Church through December 1st.
Give thanks! Join us on Thursday the 28th, Thanksgiving Day, for our intercultural Mass at 10:00 a.m. in the Parish Church.
The Parish Office will be closed for Thanksgiving next week from Thursday to Saturday. Saturday Reconciliation is now suspended until January. See the schedule of communal reconciliations at ours and neighboring parishes in the bulletin.

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