Mary, Joseph, Anna, Simeon, and Jesus met in the temple. How did they get there? Or rather, what brought them to that meeting place? But, even more importantly, what brings us to the temple, to the place where God resides? Mary and Joseph followed the law of Moses, the Spirit guided Simeon to witness the coming of the Messiah to his Temple, and Anna represents widowed Israel, waiting for her Master.

The Feast of the Presentation of Jesus is a feast of the meeting of the Messiah with his faithful people in the temple. The presentation of Jesus in the temple is not a matter for an individual or a family; on the contrary, it is an act of the community represented by Simeon and Anna. It is the encounter of Jesus Christ, the Messiah, with his people. A community that is represented in Ana and Simeon.
In addition to this feast, this Sunday, the Church celebrates the World Day of Prayer for Consecrated Life, a day especially designated to honor and pray for the lives of all men and women who have consecrated their lives to the Lord, for the love of God and the service of the people of God.
In addition to these men and women consecrated to religious life, each believer is consecrated to the Lord, and for this reason, on this Sunday, we also remember our consecration to the Lord at the time of our baptism. By our baptism, being consecrated, we are set apart to continue the work of God, never alone, but with our brothers and sisters in community.
The Church invites us to look at consecrated life as an encounter with Christ: it is He who comes to us, guided by Mary and Joseph, and we go to Him guided by the Holy Spirit, who takes us to the Church to find Him, to recognize Him, to welcome him and embrace him.
The Feast of The Presentation invites us to reflect on the encounter between the young and the old: Mary and Joseph, with their little son, meet the old man Simeon and woman Anna. It is good that the elders communicate their wisdom to the young, and it is good for young people to gather this wealth of experience and wisdom and carry it forward, addressing the challenges that life brings. As a parish community, this feast is a beautiful opportunity to reflect on one of the three priorities of our Pastoral Plan, which invites us to develop intergenerational communion. Dear brothers and sisters, forty days have passed since Christmas, and it may be that the Star of Bethlehem that illuminated us in December is already disappearing in the sky. Perhaps we have allowed ourselves to be enchanted by other more fascinating and fashionable stars, stars that better reflect our dreams and our expectations. The Church gives us the opportunity on this Feast of the Presentation of the Lord in the Temple to reunite with that Child. The Church invites us to welcome him into our arms, as Simeon and Anna did, the poor of Israel, the people attentive to the voice of the Spirit.
Fr. Lalo Jara, OFM
Pastor, Mission San Luis Rey Parish
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