YOUNG ADULT MINISTRY GIVING PROJECT: “It is in giving, we receive.”
Our Young Adult Ministry invites you to help our brothers and sisters in need this winter season by donating items for homeless care packages. Items needed include sleeping bags, lightweight winter clothing, blankets, socks, and gift cards (restaurants or grocery stores).
More ideas can be found on our Amazon Wishlist: https://tinyurl.com/5n7v47jx.
No time to shop? You can give online through flocknote! Go here to: https://sanluisreyparish.flocknote.com/give
Items may be dropped off in the box in the foyer of the Parish Church or at the Parish Office until Friday, November 22nd. For any questions or more information, contact Jazmyn at 760-547-0702 or jazymn@sanluisreyparish.org
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