Mission San Luis Rey Parish is excited to announce the appointment of our new Pastoral Council members for 2023 who will be serving the needs of our parish. Their passion for service and dedication align with our Mission Values. These dedicated individuals have stepped forward to serve and guide our community, bringing fresh perspectives and a desire to listen to you. If you see one of our members wearing a Pastoral Council nametag, feel free to step up and talk to them. Your thoughts, joys, and concerns about your experience at Mission San Luis Rey Parish are+ essential. Let’s give them a warm welcome as they take on this important role!

PastoralCouncil2023 #CommittedToServing #OurParishCommunity #MSLRP
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Do you want to stay updated with text and/or email notifications about upcoming events, Mass times, and more? Would you like to get your weekly pastor’s letter or bulletin by email or connect with one of our ministries? We have you covered! This is the best way to get the latest information from Mission San Luis Rey Parish during the ever-changing pandemic rules and unpredictable weather.
There are two easy ways to sign up for our Parish Text Message and Email system:
- Simply send a TEXT message with the words “MSLRP” to the number 84576.
- Use your computer to signup. Just visit: sanluisreyparish.flocknote.com
*Please note. We will not send spam messages. We will not sell or send your data to any third party. Your information stays in our parish system, and it is safe and secure with us! Welcome to the MSLRP flock at Flocknote!