From Our Pastoral Council
We welcome this new year with faith and kindness to learn how to balance our days so that we might gain the wisdom to choose our Lord’s way. That He may fill our hearts with kindness, compassion, and love. Lord, throughout the day, may your loving care surround us, transforming everything we do and say into a litany of praise, so that we might find meaning and wisdom as we follow your path with arms open, willing to carry whatever lies ahead.

You endowed us with the ability to choose between good and evil, right and wrong, life and death, and growth and stagnation. Grant us the wisdom to know the steps that lead to the right choice so that we may encourage others along the way.
We are living in a challenging time – dealing with a collapsed economy, addiction, health crisis, separations of families, or losing a loved one.
Do you get upset at yourself because you don’t complete all of the things on your “to-do” list? Are you frustrated at God for allowing all this anger to exist? Do these pressures create tension in your life that is directed at others, your family, or yourself?
But remember that we are imperfect, and sometimes it can be tough to let go, whether it be possessions, anger, or negativity.
God calls us to treat all people with dignity and respect and to love one another as He loves us! That includes each of us. We must take care of ourselves while treating others the right way. Let’s practice patience towards others and not be so judgmental. Let’s also be kind to ourselves when we don’t meet our standards or goals. Perhaps we can learn from what happens each day, let go, and move on to the next day. In short, be patient with ourselves.
God will always pick us up when we are down if we are willing to open ourselves to him. In the words of Pope Francis, “Christians must be strong and let go of all the bitterness and negativity that prevent them from experiencing God’s consolation and joy.”
What can you let go of to become more vulnerable and open to God? I praise and thank You, O God, for the marvels of Your wondrous deeds.
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