Ash Wednesday Schedule

Ash Wednesday

Wednesday, February 17, 2021

SCHEDULE: Ashes will be distributed at all of the following:

Serra Center 7:00 a.m. Distribution of Ashes
8:00 a.m. Mass w/ Ashes (English)
10:00 a.m. Distribution of Ashes
 11:00 a.m. Distribution of Ashes
 12:00 p.m. Mass w/ Ashes (English)
 2:00 p.m. Distribution of Ashes
 3:00 p.m. Distribution of Ashes
 4:00 p.m. Distribution of Ashes
 5:00 p.m. Distribution of Ashes
 6:00 p.m. Distribution of Ashes
 7:00 p.m. Mass w/ Ashes (Spanish)

Ash Wednesday is not a Holy Day of Obligation. Language for the Distribution of Ashes services may vary.

To attend Mass, we ask:

1. Everyone age 2 and up must have a face covering and must keep it on from the parking lot and leave it on throughout the entire Mass.

2. Maintain physical distancing from those not in your household.

3. Use the provided hand sanitizers

4. Refrain from congregational singing when celebrating Mass indoors.

5. Please stay home if you are sick or feel sick.

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