Karen Willson is the Director of IT and Communications for Mission San Luis Rey Parish. Her background includes Computer Science teacher for six years, magazine editor, writer, producer, production manager, and public relations manager for a wide range of projects for children and adults: drama, educational and online multimedia, special effects, and live shows. With her husband and writing partner, Chris Weber, Karen has written more than 50 produced children's television shows for companies such as CBS, Disney, Warner Brothers, Filmation, TMS and many more.

Mass Schedule

Welcome to Mission San Luis Rey Parish: Join Us for Prayer & Worship / Bienvenidos a la Parroquia Misión San Luis Rey: Únase a Nosotros para la Oración y Adoración If you have been away from Mass, away from the Eucharist, welcome home! Come, be fed by Jesus. Si has estado lejos de la Misa, lejos Read More

Keeping the Season of Easter

Psalm 119:15 reads, “I will ponder your precepts and consider your paths.”  During this Easter season make a spot in your day for a one-minute reflection.

Reflexión Pastoral 4-14-2024

Las reflexiones de la Pascua sobre el pecado y la penitencia difieren de las de la Cuaresma. La atención durante la Pascua no está en los males del pecado sino en la redención del pecado. Con la resurrección de Cristo, el mundo ha sido transformado. Ya no estamos sumidos en la oscuridad, en el mal. Read More

Boletín 4-14-2024

En estas semanas posteriores a Pascua, a medida que las flores se marchitan y nos acostumbramos una vez más a los “Aleluyas” resonando en el aire, puede ser fácil dar por sentado el esplendor de este momento. –Fray Oscar Méndez, OFM Dentro de esta semana: Noticias Sign Me Up ¡Recibe las últimas noticias! ¿Quiere mantenerse Read More

The Splendor of Easter

From the Pastor’s Desk The reflections of Easter on sin and penance differ from those of Lent. The focus during Easter is not on the evils of sin but on redemption from sin. With the resurrection of Christ, the world has been transformed. We are no longer mired down by darkness, by evil. The world Read More

Bulletin for 4-14-2024

In these weeks after Easter, as the flowers fade and we get accustomed once again to “Alleluias” ringing through the air, it can be easy to take for granted the splendor of this moment. –Friar Oscar Mendez, OFM Click for the Bulletin PDF (En Español) Inside This Week Click for Bulletin Sign up to Join Read More


Reflexionando sobre la sabiduría de San Francisco, aprovechemos esta oportunidad de renovación asegurándonos de que nuestros asuntos estén en orden. Al dar este paso con FreeWill, no solo garantiza la tranquilidad para usted y sus seres queridos, sino que también refuerza su compromiso con los principios de administración y generosidad que definen a nuestra comunidad.  

Embrace Spring

This season of growth reminds us of the importance of nurturing the seeds of faith and community we’ve planted together. Estate planning is a necessary step in stewardship and planning for a future of growth.

Reflexión Pastoral 4-7-2024

DE NUESTRO VICARIO La misericordia de Jesús, su amor, bondad, paciencia y perdón sobrepasan todos los obstáculos, angustias e incredulidades de sus discípulos. Aunque Jesús fue vendido, traicionado, negado y abandonado por los que amó hasta el extremo, nunca guardó odio, resentimiento, y mucho menos se vengó por sus discípulos. Estando los discípulos a puertas Read More

Divine Mercy

From Our Pastoral Associate Jesus’s mercy, love, kindness, patience, and forgiveness surpass all his disciples’ obstacles, anguish, and disbelief. Although Jesus was sold, betrayed, denied, and abandoned by those he loved unconditionally, he never harbored hatred or resentment, and he never took revenge. While the disciples were behind closed doors, in the house where they Read More

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