Friendship Cafe: Parol Making – Star Lantern

Paper Parol Star

Cultural Diversity Ministry

Friendship Café
Thursday, Nov. 16, 2023
7:00 p.m.
Parish Dining Room

The Cultural Diversity Ministry invites you to join us in making parols—a star lantern, made of bamboo sticks and papers.

For Filipinos, it is a known belief that parol making and hanging them outside of homes is the representation of the Star of Bethlehem, they are used in the Procession at the Mass during Simbang Gabi.

Come and learn about this beautiful Filipino tradition, while feasting on some Filipino lumpia and pancit. RSVP at the Welcome Table or call Alice at 760-277-1845, as space and supplies will be limited. A donation of $5.00 for materials is greatly appreciated on the evening of.

Join Us!

Our vision is to provide opportunities for people from different cultures to develop multicultural friendships and to provide educational opportunities to learn about and appreciate other cultures.


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