Happy Birthday, Church!

Pentecost at Mission San Luis Rey Parish

From the Pastor’s desk

This Sunday, we celebrate the Feast of Pentecost. On Pentecost, we celebrate the descent of the Holy Spirit upon the apostles gathered full of fear in the upper room in Jerusalem. This marks the beginning of the Church.  We welcome the Holy Spirit into our hearts and lives to give hope to the hearts that are frightened.

Holy Spirit at Pentecost

What we celebrate at Pentecost is the coming of this Advocate, the one who enables the apostles to witness to Jesus’ claims in the world. Before this, the apostles could not act as witnesses; they were frightened, too confused, and hurt to act as effective witnesses on behalf of Jesus. With the help of the Spirit, they are graced with new courage.

As we encounter difficulties in our lives, especially when we try our best to be witnesses of Christ’s resurrection, we will receive strength from the Holy Spirit to continue and never give in. The Spirit continues to be the Advocate, calling on generations of Christians to come forward as witnesses in the world. We are those witnesses; to us is given the task to continue his mission on behalf of Jesus. The disbelieving world still looks to Jesus’ witnesses to make their case, not so much by the quality of our information, but by the quality and courage of our lives. The world is not dying for lack of information but may well be dying by not having life in Jesus’ name.

As we celebrate this great feast of the Church’s fifty days after Jesus’ resurrection, how have we been a sign of reconciliation in our families, our world, and among people of faith everywhere? Have we been an instrument of God’s peace to everyone we meet? Let us pray to God that we may continue being renovated by the Holy Spirit and receive the strength to be real witnesses of God. Happy birthday, Church!

Peace and all good, Br. Oscar Mendez, OFM

(En Español)

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