I Will Not Leave You Orphans

I Will Not Leave You Orphans

Dear friends, Peace and all Good!

In the Gospel for this Sixth Sunday of Easter, Jesus tells the disciples about another “Paraclete”—also known as “Advocate” or “Comforter”. This is the Holy Spirit who is “The Spirit of Truth” and who represents the continuing presence of Jesus on earth among the disciples. Jesus assures his disciples and all of us that he “will not leave us orphan”, a promise fulfilled when the Lord ascends into heaven and the Holy Spirit descends onto the community of believers. In these times of pandemic, let us ask the Lord Jesus to be with us—to send the comfort and strength of the Spirit in our trying times. And so, we pray:

Jesus, you show yourself to us through your Spirit. Please breathe that Spirit again. This whole planet needs it now. Instruct our scientists on how to find cures for the virus and other climate problems. And inspire us to learn new ways of feeding our globe’s family. Help us learn how to love you by taking care of all creatures and all creation. We want to love, Lord. That is everything. Show us how. Amen.

(by Anne M. Osdieck, in St. Louis University Sunday Web Site)

Some other news. This past week, Bishop McElroy met with all the priests of the diocese via Zoom in reference to beginning to celebrate public Masses. Our sacramental life is essential for Catholics and churches can operate as safely as other essential services. In their “Road Map to Re-Opening our Catholic Churches Safely”, the bishops and medical personnel remind us that “Catholics must be guided by faith and reason especially in times of crisis. Safe practices should be implemented with input from medical experts.” When we will be able to begin celebrating public Masses with larger congregations is uncertain. But in the meantime, the bishop asks that each parish in the Diocese of San Diego design a plan of action so that we will be ready and prepared for that great day! This week our parish staff, members of the Pastoral Council and the Liturgy Committee will be meeting to discuss the ways in which we can be ready once we get clearance from civic, medical and Church authorities. Please pray for us and continue to follow safe practices to curb this horrific pandemic which has claimed the lives of thousands of our brothers and sisters!

Next, construction on St. Francis Hall will begin once again as construction materials become available, and as long as the construction can ensure the safety of the workers. At this time, the forecast for completion of the project will be in September. We will keep you informed of the progress.

In closing, I once again invite you to take part in the “Live-streamed” Masses each Sunday at 10:00 a.m. in English and at Noon in Spanish. Also, we celebrate weekday Masses on Wednesday at Noon in English and on Thursday at 7:00 p.m. in Spanish. Please check our web site and Facebook for other offerings such as the daily reflections on the Gospels and other devotions. And as we prayed earlier in this letter, please ask Jesus to breathe the Spirit upon us in our times—we sure could use more help right now!

Love, Fr. Vince

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