Written by Grace Ji-Sun Kim
In my fourth-grade science class, my teacher taught us about the different types of clouds, such as cumulus, cirrus, stratus, and nimbus. Then he told us that at the end of the year, he would make clouds and make it rain in the classroom. I couldn’t wait for it to happen; throughout the whole school year, the teacher kept us in anticipation, telling us to bring raincoats and umbrellas when it happened. When the end of the year came, I waited excitedly for him to make clouds and make it rain in the classroom. All he ended up doing was boil water under an aluminum tray and tell us to watch as the water condensed and formed a cloudy mist—then became water drops that dripped down the tray like rain. The last class was anticlimactic, to say the least.

But here in this Acts passage, the story is hardly anticlimactic. It’s an exciting moment, with Jesus being lifted up, and a cloud taking him from the disciples’ sight. Jesus had talked about going up to be with God on many occasions, but the disciples hadn’t quite understood him until now.
The ascension happened 40 days after the resurrection. Numbers are meaningful in scripture, and the number 40 occurs frequently. God flooded the earth for 40 days and nights, Moses fasted for 40 days, Jesus fasted for 40 days, and the Israelites roamed the desert for 40 years. Here, after several appearances to the disciples over a 40-day period, Jesus ascends into the clouds.
There are other stories of clouds in the Bible: the pillar of cloud in Exodus and the cloud at Jesus’ transfiguration (Luke 9:28-36). Clouds in the Bible are often a symbol of God’s presence. Jesus’ ascension is momentous as it acclaims who Jesus is and illuminates the resurrection to us. After the ascension, the disciples are told to stop gazing up at the clouds, in expectation of Jesus, as they are looking for him in the wrong place. Jesus’ ministry doesn’t end with his return to heaven, but continues on, as the ascension means Jesus can send the Holy Spirit to God’s people.
The Holy Spirit continues to be poured upon all of us today, helps the church to proclaim the good news, to help the poor, and to love our neighbor. It is through the work of the Spirit that we meet Jesus and can see his work today. Therefore, we don’t look up at the clouds to experience Jesus but rather seek him in everyday places. Through the Holy Spirit, we receive power not to be passive onlookers staring at the clouds but to become an active cloud of witnesses in ministry with the living Christ who is among us.
Jesus said: when you do it to the least of them, you are doing it to me. Let us all be encouraged to do God’s work in the world through the guidance and power of the Spirit.
Written by Grace Ji-Sun Kim Reprinted with permission by U.S. Catholic. U.S. Catholic is published by the Claretian Missionaries. Call 1-800-328-6515 for subscription information.
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