Don’t forget our Backpack and School supply drive sponsored by Social Outreach! Your donations are needed to help the Casa Franciscana in Guaymas with school supplies! Please bring your donation to the Loretto House or Parish Office before 1/28/24.

Please remember our Holy Father, Pope Francis’ prayer intention for January: For the gift of diversity in the Church. Let us pray that the Spirit helps us recognize the gift of different charisms within the Christian community and to discover the richness of different ritual traditions in the heart of the Catholic Church.
- This is the week of Prayer for Christian unity. Please pray that we may all be one, as the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are one.
- Are you planning to upgrade your smart flat-screen TV for the Super Bowl? If yes, please consider donating your older smart television to the parish office. The TV must be Wi-Fi enabled and have HDMI inputs. It would be appreciated if you could donate the remote and the TV. Your donation will be greatly appreciated.
- You can make a difference AND have fun! Join us for Bingo on Fridays in the St. Francis Hall! Parish bingo is fun and run by a great group of volunteers who are ready to serve you starting at 11 am and going to 2:30 pm. Buy-ins as low as $1.00! Funds raised help with parish needs.
- Our parish choirs invite you to lift your voice in song! We are preparing for Lent, Holy Week, and Easter. Call Francisco Osio at 760-547-0717
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