This Year’s Theme: Rethink before you throw away! Reduce, Reuse, Recycle & Upcycle
Contest Dates: December 17, 2023 to Feb. 4th, 2024
Upload a photo to our SmugMug page using the QR Code.
The photo must be original (taken by the submitter).
Rename the photo to include your name and phone number: Ex. JaneDoe7609876543
Photo entries must address one of the following questions: What are you doing at home to care for creation? What will you be doing at home in 2024 to care for creation? What am I willing to sacrifice for the sake of our common home?
For inspiration, check out the link below. “Mercy Tips to Care for Earth (Sisters of Mercy, Americas)”: https://sistersofmercy.org/mercy-for-justice/earth/mercy-tips-to-care-for-earth/
The Grand Prize is valued at $100 and the Runner-Up Prize is valued at $50.
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There are two easy ways to sign up for our Parish Text Message and Email system:
- Simply send a TEXT message with the words “MSLRP” to the number 84576.
- Use your computer to signup. Just visit: sanluisreyparish.flocknote.com
*Please note. We will not send spam messages. We will not sell or send your data to any third party. Your information stays in our parish system, and it is safe and secure with us! Welcome to the MSLRP flock at Flocknote!