Law and Order: From the Associate Pastor

No, I am not talking about the super-popular television show that follows the investigation and persecution processes of a crime. The concept of law and order simply means that for a society to be ordered and have an opportunity to flourish, all its members need to have respect for and be obedient to a set Read More

La Presencia Real del Cuerpo y Sangre de Cristo

¿Cuántos de los Católicos practicantes y no practicantes creen en la Presencia real del Cuerpo y Sangre de Cristo, cuando Él se inmola y sacrifica en cada Eucaristía para darnos vida y vida en abundancia? ¿Los que son practicantes, es decir que vienen a la Santa Eucaristía cada semana, con qué frecuencia comulgan o reciben Read More

Lord, to Whom Would We Go?

How many practicing and non-practicing Catholics believe in the real Presence of the Body and Blood of Christ, when He immolates and sacrifices himself in each Eucharist to give us life and life in abundance? Those who are practicing, that is, those who come to the Holy Eucharist every week, how often do they receive Read More

San Luis, Rey de Francia

No tenía idea de quién era, pero estaba asombrada. Como estudiante universitaria en Europa, pasé de un brillante día de París a una estrecha escalera oscura. Las escaleras conducían a un espacio asombrosamente hermoso y elevado lleno de deslumbrantes vidrieras. Esta era la Sainte-Chapelle. Esta capilla fue creada para albergar algo más que precioso: la Read More

¿Qué es la Asunción?

LA SOLEMNIDAD DE LA ASUNCIÓN DE LA SANTÍSIMA VIRGEN MARÍA El primer nombre de esta solemnidad fue la Fiesta de María, Madre de Dios. Más tarde, su nombre en el Oriente se trasladó, la Dormición (o el Dormir) de María. En el Occidente, se conoció como la Asunción de la Santísima Virgen María. Esta solemnidad Read More

What is the Assumption?

THE SOLEMNITY ASSUMPTION OF THE BLESSED VIRGIN MARY WHAT IS THE ASSUMPTION? The first name of this solemnity was the Feast of Mary, Mother of God. Later, its name in the East carried over, the Dormition (or Falling Asleep) of Mary. In the West, it became known as the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Read More

Celebrando la Fiesta de Santa Clara

Dado que estamos celebrando la Fiesta de Santa Clara el 11 de agosto, le he pedido a la Hermana Madeline Fitzgerald, OSC que comparta una reflexión este fin de semana. La Hermana Madeline es una Hermana Clarisa, Asistente Espiritual de la Fraternidad Franciscana Seglar de San Luis Rey y miembro del personal de la Parroquia Read More

Celebrating the Feast of St. Clare

Since we’re celebrating the Feast of Saint Clare on August 11, I have asked Sister Madeline Fitzgerald, OSC to share a reflection this weekend. Sister Madeline is a Poor Clare Sister, the Spiritual Assistant for the San Luis Rey Fraternity of the Secular Franciscans, and a staff member of St. Francis Parish in Vista, CA. Read More

Looking for Signs

How many of us are looking for any kind of sign, on the radio, television, with other people, and in all the media? How many of us are looking to find meaning in our lives in everything we do? How many of us get carried away by everything we think and feel without discerning if Read More

I Am With You Always

From the Pastor’s Desk: My brothers and sisters, today we celebrate the first World Day for Grandparents and the Elderly. I would like to share some words from a letter from our Holy Father, Pope Francis, for this celebration: Dear Grandfathers and Grandmothers, Dear Elderly Friends, “I am with you always” (Mt 28:20): this is Read More

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