Equal in the Sight of God

The month of May is Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month. Please enjoy this excerpt of Bishop McElroy’s homily from the Diocesan Mass for Racial Healing in April. We gather here tonight because there is hatred in our world – the hatred which launched the Chinese Exclusion Act [1882], the hatred which forced the Read More

Ámense unos a otros como yo los amo

¿Cuántos de nosotros amamos a Dios con toda nuestra mente, corazón y todo nuestro ser? ¿Cuántos de nosotros cumplimos los mandamientos de Dios? ¿Cuántos de nosotros nos consideramos verdaderos o auténticos hijos de Dios? ¿Cuántos de nosotros daríamos y moriríamos por un amigo? Seria muy importante meditar profundamente sobre estas preguntas y tener respuestas; de Read More

As I Have Loved You

How many of us love God with all of our minds, hearts, and all of our being? How many of us keep God’s commandments? How many of us consider ourselves true or authentic children of God? How many of us would give our lives and die for a friend? It would be very important to Read More

Ustedes Son Las Ramas

Durante este tiempo de Pascua hemos encontrado muchos títulos para Jesús: el Pan Vivo, el Buen Pastor. Si recuerda el Evangelio del domingo pasado, se nos dijo que Jesús es el Buen Pastor y nosotros las ovejas. Debemos escuchar su voz. En el Evangelio de hoy, la imagen es que Jesús es la vid y Read More

We Are the Branches

During Easter time we have heard different titles for Jesus: Living Bread, Good Shepherd. If you remember from last Sunday’s Gospel, we were told that Jesus is the Good Shepherd and we are the sheep. We should listen to His voice. In today’s Gospel, the image is that Jesus is the vine and we are Read More

Pastores Y Ovejas

Durante esta pandemia, he visto algunas publicaciones en las redes sociales donde comparan a las personas con las ovejas porque usan mascarillas o porque se vacunan. Implican que el uso de mascarillas y vacunas son signos de debilidad, de seguir ciegamente a la multitud o de sacrificar nuestra libertad personal. Lamentablemente, incluso algunos Católicos aceptaron Read More

Shepherds and Sheep

During this pandemic, I have seen some social media posts that compare people who wear masks or get vaccinated to sheep. They imply that wearing masks and vaccinations are signs of weakness, of blindly following the crowd, or of sacrificing our personal liberty. Sadly, even some Catholics bought into this narrative and helped perpetuate behaviors Read More

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