The Trinity: Grace, Love, Fellowship

Peace and all Good! As we celebrate this glorious Solemnity of the Holy Trinity, I share with you a reflection on the second reading for today’s Mass from The Second Letter of St. Paul to the Corinthians. “In Paul’s emotional and personal letter to the Corinthians, he ends with the phrase now familiar to all Mass goers: the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all!

Grace, love, and fellowship are a trinity of ways in which God has been revealed to us. The love of the Creator, who bore us, the grace of the One who saves us, and the constancy of the One who will never leave us are three faces of one God, like facets of a diamond, unique yet brilliant. The Church asks us one day a year to sit with the mystery of the God who is Three‐in‐One, or unity ‐in community, as theologians say. Having just celebrated the community of the Church last week on Pentecost, we now rejoice in the God who teaches us the indivisibility of union through the image we bear, the fullness of one, the love which is never alone.” (Alice Camille in “God’s Word is Alive”)

As we have announced, we will begin to celebrate Masses with a Congregation on the weekend of June 13th and 14th. Since we are only allowed to have 100 people in attendance for each Liturgy, we have added extra Masses. All the Masses will be celebrated in Serra Center with the Sunday readings and prayers. Please see today’s bulletin, page #5, for the revised schedule of Masses for the weekends.

You will see that we have added two Masses in English on Saturday morning and we have added one Spanish Mass on Saturday and one Spanish Mass on Sunday. Check the bulletin for the times of Masses. At present, we will allow people to attend the Masses on a first-come, first-serve basis. That means that some who wish a certain Mass may have to attend another Mass. I ask your patience. We will evaluate the process after that first weekend to see if there are ways to improve.

As we reopen our church, there are some guidelines that we need to be aware of: Please wear a face cover as soon as you approach the Serra Center, then get in line keeping social distancing. Face covers will be used all the time inside the Serra Center. There will be only one entrance to the Serra Center (main entrance). If you can bring your own hand sanitizer, that will help us to speed up the process to enter our church.

Ushers will guide you to your seats; and if you are from the same household you can sit together, but keeping social distancing from other people. Coming to receive Communion will be different. There will be four stations as you come up to receive Communion. Please see the video on how to receive Communion.

Please bring your belongings with you because you will be leaving the church right after receiving Communion. There will be baskets at the doors for your weekly offering. We will not have any social gatherings before or after Mass. Let us continue praying for the end of this pandemic.

Love, Fr. Vince

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