From Deacon Lyle
At some point in your life, you may feel yourself being brought to your knees by urges and forces that are too strong. We must turn to a power above and beyond ourselves.

Jesus’ authority came from his human nature. There we see what it can mean to be fully human: compassionate, fearless, loving, with a passion for justice and awareness of what is in the human heart. It is by watching him and pondering his words and behavior, that we too will learn what it is to be fully human. Jesus, with that power behind him, comes close to each one of us – in his teaching, in the Catholic community, in the Church.
Today’s message is a typical day in the life of Jesus in which he carries out the main activities of his mission – teaching and healing. Jesus’ authority is empowering and liberating, it is not oppressive or subduing. Can we welcome the same empowering and liberating authority of Jesus in our lives? Can we listen to his teaching by immersing ourselves in his Gospel message and experiencing his healing and liberation today? “It is by watching Jesus and contemplating his words and behavior, that we too will learn what it is to be fully human.”
Peace, Deacon Lyle Blackmon
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