Advancing Our Mission

From Our Pastor

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

Each year, we are invited to participate in our Annual Catholic Appeal (ACA), an opportunity for all of us to support essential ministries and services that benefit many in our Diocese of San Diego. The theme of this year’s campaign is “Advancing Our Mission.”

Advancing Our Mission

The Annual Catholic Appeal enables us to fund the Pastoral Center ministry offices and programs that help our community members live their faith. Your donations contribute to the support of Catholic schools and programs to support faith formation at all ages, to strengthen families, to promote a culture of life, to care for creation, to engage you and young adults, to sustain retired clergy and those preparing for the priesthood, and to extend a helping hand to the marginalized.

This year our Parish is expected to contribute $80,902, to the Annual Catholic Appeal. I understand the last year has been economically challenging, but I am confident that we can reach this target and possibly exceed it. Any amount we receive over our target will be returned to our Parish for our use.

Therefore, I invite you to prayerfully consider your response as a faithful steward of the gifts that God has joyfully bestowed on you. You may use the Response Card that you will receive next weekend to make your pledge and return it in the weekend collection or mail it or drop it off in the Parish Office.

If you cannot donate at this time, we ask you to pray for a successful 2025 Annual Catholic Appeal for our parish.

Your participation, regardless of the amount, makes a difference. Your generosity brings hope and joy to all those who benefit from your gift. Be assured of my gratitude for your support and of my continuing prayers for you and your loved ones.

Sincerely yours in Christ,

Fr. Lalo Jara, OFM, DMin.
Pastor, Mission San Luis Rey Parish

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