This weekend, we welcome new parishioners, parishioners coming back after being away for some time, and those visiting us today.
Who can be a Knight of Columbus? The Knights are inviting men, 18 years and older who are practicing Catholics, believe in family, enjoy helping those less fortunate, like doing things for others, and want to get more involved to JOIN US at an Open House on Sunday, October 16th, 2022 in the Knights Room of St. Francis Hall at 3 pm. Come and learn more! (Click for Knights Website)
Friendship Cafe: PART 1—FILIPINO IMMIGRATION TO AMERICA: On Thursday, October 20th – at 7:00 p.m.in the Parish Dining Room, the Cultural Diversity Ministry invites you to come and listen to the stories of our own parishioners’ journey to the United States. Gain new insights and understanding of Filipino Culture. “Mission Grounds” Coffee, tea, and water will be provided. You are invited to bring a treat to share.
CHILDREN’S LITURGY OF THE WORD: During the religious education school year all children, grades 1-6, are invited to take part in the Children’s Liturgy of the Word during the Sunday 10 AM Mass, regardless if they are registered in Religious Education. Parents, listen for the announcement from the priest during Mass, and your child may go to the Parish Chapel to hear the Sunday readings at their level of understanding.
Welcome to parishioners coming back after being away for some time, to new parishioners, and to those visiting us today. Are you new to our parish? Please click here for a brochure with some information about our parish community.
If you recall a few months ago, we, and all parishes throughout the Diocese, under the direction of Pope Francis, held a Synod to ask for parishioners’ opinions on the direction of the Church. To follow this event, the Diocese has asked us to make this survey link available on our website or sent via Flocknote on September 6th. Please be sure to participate in this important survey.
PARISHIONER SPOTLIGHT: North County leader, Tony Martinez shares his history with organizing and the inherent relationships between his faith and justice. Through his work with the LIVE FREE Oceanside team, he is passionate about addressing racial bias in policing and improving the experiences of communities of color at the hands of law enforcement. Tony has also been active in different ministries at Mission San Luis Rey Parish.
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