RED HOT! News for this weekend!
Our Confirmation Team is having a food sale this Sunday after the 8 am, 10 am, and 12 noon masses! Support our Religious Education program!
If you are a family needing assistance this Christmas with gifts, please stop by our Social Outreach Angel table outside after the 10 am mass. They will assist you to sign up for our program and let you know what information is needed.
The Knights are still taking sign-ups for contestants for the Catholic Citizenship Essay Contest, which is open to 8th-12th graders. Stop by outside after the 10 am Mass to get your questions answered and sign up.
Next weekend, November 9th and 10th, we will welcome Fr. Martin Ibarra, from Guaymas, México, to share the good work at the Franciscan Mission. We will have a second collection to support this vital ministry. Thank you for your generosity.
We have upcoming trainings available if you want to be a Eucharistic Minister. Please see the information in the bulletin.
Next weekend, our Knights of Columbus will sponsor a Pancake Breakfast in honor of Veterans in St. Francis Hall. Veterans get complimentary breakfast, and others can join for $10.00.
We will have a night of praise, worship, and preaching in honor of Our Lady of Guadalupe on Friday, November 29th. The evening will have mariachi music and music from our own Francisco Osio. The talks are in Spanish, but all are welcome to come and share in praising God. Tickets are available in the Parish office.