“Like good stewards of the manifold grace of God, serve one another with whatever gift each of you has received.”
— 1 Peter 4:10.
“This place helps people like me who have nowhere to go. They offer us a safe place and food. The good people here make us feel human again.”
That’s how one client of Catholic Charities described the help she and her young daughter received at one of its shelters.

The agency has served the most vulnerable in the San Diego-Imperial Valley region for over a century, exemplifying the Gospel values of mercy and hospitality through its services and programs.
These include operating shelters for homeless men, women, and children, distributing food for hungry families, and providing vital assistance to immigrants, refugees, and those applying for asylum, all legally in the country.
Catholic Charities works tirelessly to develop creative, cost-effective solutions to meet urgent community needs, working in partnership with private and public organizations.
In 2023, the agency helped more than 10,500 homeless individuals across the region, treating them with dignity and respect.
In 2024, it partnered with Cathedral Catholic High School to open a pantry to serve the food insecure in that area.
Catholic Charities staff recognizes the sacredness of each client, created in the image and likeness of God, as they are called to do.

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