Epiphany is, rightly to us who are gentiles, perhaps the happiest of days, because we have an opportunity to rejoice in the fact that, not only is the Savior, the child, born, but most especially that he is truly born to us.
‐ Fr. Oscar Mendez, Ofm (Page #3)

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Inside This Week
- Click for Bulletin
- -Fr. Oscar Mendez, OFM, invites us to rejoice in the fact that, not only is the Savior, the child, born, but most especially that he is truly born to us. (Page #3)
- -PARISH OFFICE CLOSED on Saturday, January 14th due to the Martin Luther King Jr. holiday.
- There will be NO Saturday Reconciliation on this Day.
- -Thank you and the tax letter information
- January is National Slavery and Human Trafficking Prevention Month
- Join us on Monday, January 9th for the Feast of the Baptism of the Lord, which ends our Christmas Season. Masses are 8:00 AM in the Parish Chapel and 12:00 noon in the Historic Mission Church.
- Remembering Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI, born April 16, 1927, entered into eternity on December 31, 2022.
- Our Knights of Columbus, San Luis Rey Parish Youth Ministry, and Squire/Roses invite you for a multicultural Rosary in support of the Diocese Walk for Life. The dates are January 8th at 6:15 PM in the Serra Center for a multicultural rosary, and January 12th at 7 PM in the Parish Chapel for a Samoan/English Rosary.
- -Changing Hearts: Saving Lives, join the Knights of Columbus, Cardinal Robert McElroy, and Auxiliary Bishop Ramón Bejarano in this walk to end abortion.
- -Keeping the Seasons: Celebrating Epiphany
- -Important: Construction Notice in the Parish Center
- -The Parish Finance Council presents a Retirement Planning Seminar.
- -Is God Calling You? Vocations Discernment.
- -The Franciscan School of Theology is sponsoring a special conference: Re-Imagining the World:
- -St. Francis and Pope Francis
- Click for a PDF of the Bulletin
Scripture, News & Events
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