Bulletin for 5-19-2024

Weekly Bulletin

We welcome the Holy Spirit into our hearts and lives to give hope to the hearts that are frightened.
Fr. Oscar Mendez, OFM

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(En Español)

Inside This Week

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  • Fr. Oscar invites us to receive the Holy Spirit with the strength to be real witnesses of God.
  • Parish Offices Closed Saturday, May 25th for Memorial Day
  • Our Director of Religious Education says goodbye.
  • Congratulations to our Confirmandi!
  • Knights of Columbus Baby Shower/Bottle event
  • Announcing the 2nd annual Msgt. Tuputala Paulo Memorial Charity Golf Tournament
  • Jesus and the Eucharist: daytime class announced.
  • Rosary Making ministry invites you to join
  • It’s Mental Health Awareness Month.
  • Are you getting messages on Flocknote?
  • Keeping the Season: Pentecost Sunday.
  • Caregivers Ministry meeting
  • Mental Health Awareness Mass
  • Youth and Young Adult art workshop.
  • Mission News and Retreat Opportunities
  • Mass Intentions, Prayer Requests, Nourishment for your soul.
  • Congratulations to all those who received First Communion
  • Click for a PDF of the Bulletin
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