Each week, the latest news, events, and opportunities for service from your parish family.

Bulletin for 2-26-2023

For the week beginning February 26, 2023, enjoy reflections, news, and events from your parish family at Mission San Luis Rey.

Bulletin for 2-19-2023

Holiness is a reality that is as embedded in the human being as DNA, because it is a free gift that is given to us from the first moment we were created by God. – Br. Salvador (Page #3)

Bulletin for 2-12-2023

Fr. Oscar invites you to make a resolution to grow in the love Jesus teaches, putting it into practice.

Parish Office closed Saturday, February 19th. Happy President’s Day!

This weekend begins “Living Our Faith”, the Annual Catholic Appeal from the Diocese of San Diego.

Join us for part two of our scripture class for Forming Missionary Disciples.

The Ash Wednesday schedule and Lenten Reconciliation services are here!

Bulletin for 2-05-2023

For the week beginning February 5, 2023, enjoy scriptures, news, and events from your parish family at Mission San Luis Rey.

Bulletin for 01-29-2023

Discover the Beatitudes, and what it means to be a follower of Jesus Christ. (Page #3)

-Knights of Columbus sponsor a Food Drive & Rummage Sale

-Forming Missionary Disciples

Bulletin for 01-22-2023

We do not need to travel to the Sea of Galilee to have this encounter with Christ. Jesus calls us at sunrise and sunset, on the seashore or on the mountain top, everywhere and every minute of our lives.

— Sandra Dominguez (Bulletin Page #3)

Bulletin for 01-15-2023

-Deacon Salvador Mejia, OFM, invites us to reflect on this “extraordinary” time we are living. (Page #3)
-Congratulations to our new Catechumens and Candidates in RCIA, welcomed in this weekend’s Rite of Acceptance and Rite of Welcoming.
-And much, much more!

Bulletin for 01-08-2023

For the week beginning January 8, 2023, enjoy scriptures, news, and events from your parish family at Mission San Luis Rey.

Bulletin for 01-01-2023

Bulletin for 1-01-2023 May, with this Christmas season, the Word become flesh again in our hearts and in our lives. And in this new year, as we continue with our National Eucharistic Revival, may we truly taste the goodness of the Lord and go home with joy after every Eucharistic celebration.

–Peace, Fr. Sam Nasada, OFM (Page #3)

Bulletin for 12-25-2022

Enjoy our parish bulletin for 12-25-2022, with news, events, pastoral columns and scripture from your parish family.

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