As Catholics, in the spirit of St. Francis, and in a community of many cultures, we live the Gospel of Jesus Christ. The Culture & Diversity ministry works to ensure the inclusion and participation of different cultures in every aspect of parish life.

Multicultural Pentecost Mass

Sunday, May 28th, 2023 11:00 a.m. Misa de Pentecostés Multicultural Outdoor Mass Our 10 AM and 12 PM Masses will be combined to celebrate a multicultural and multilingual outdoor Mass! Nuestras Misas de 10 AM y 12 PM serán combinadas para celebrar una Misa multicultural y multilingüe al aire libre! 10:30 a.m.—Call to Worship 11:00 Read More

Friendship Café

Married Couples: Come,  listen, and share your experience with cultural diversity in your marriage and family on Thursday, February 16,
at 7:00 p.m. in the Parish Dining Room.

Our vision is to provide opportunities for people from different cultures to develop multicultural friendships and to provide educational opportunities to learn about and appreciate other cultures.


Last year, Fr. Sam introduced the Polish tradition of “Chalking the Door” at Epiphany. This blessing offers a way to remember the visit of the Magi and dedicate your home to the Lord.

El año pasado, el Padre Sam introdujo la tradición polaca de “marcar con tiza la puerta” en la Epifanía. Esta bendición ofrece una forma de recordar la visita de los Reyes Magos y dedicar su hogar al Señor.

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