Faith Formation helps our children, youth, and adults grow in their relationship with God. Sacramental Preparation (Baptism, First Communion and Confirmation) and Faith Formation (Elementary, Middle, High School, and Adult RCIA)

If you have any questions, please call Alessandra at 760-547-0716.

Little Saints

PEQUEÑOS SANTOS All Faith Formation Elementary students are invited to participate in dressing up as their favorite saints (St. Joseph, St. Joan of Arc, and many more!) for the All Saints Day Bilingual Mass on November 1st at 7:00 p.m. in the Parish Church. They will partake in the entrance procession and join their families Read More

Celebrando el Día de Muertos (Todos los Difuntos)

El Día de Muertos (Todos los Difuntos) es una celebración de la vida y un día en el que nos unimos a Misa para orar por las almas de nuestros seres queridos fallecidos. Muchas culturas también honran a los fieles difuntos con altares llenos de símbolos como cruces, velas, flores, fotografías, comidas y bebidas favoritas Read More

Celebrating the Day of the Dead (All Souls)

The Day of the Dead (All Souls) is a celebration of life and a day when we join in Mass to pray for the souls of our deceased loved ones. Many cultures also honor the faithful departed with altars filled with symbols such as crosses, candles, flowers, pictures, favorite foods and drinks, and sugar skulls. Read More

Children’s Liturgy of the Word

Liturgia de la Palabra para niños During the Sunday 10:00 a.m. Mass , children in first through fourth grades are dismissed from the Parish Church to go to the Parish Chapel, where adult volunteers present the scripture in a manner suitable for their age. After the gospel, the children return to their families in the Read More

Safe Environment Training

Dear Parents, the Religious Education Department will conduct the Safe Environment training on Sunday, October 20th, 2024, per the Diocese of San Diego. Estimados padres, el departamento de educación religiosa llevará a cabo la capacitación sobre ambiente seguro el domingo 20 de octubre de 2024 de acuerdo con la Diócesis de San Diego.

Parents Meeting

Religious Education The first meeting for parents of elementary school children preparing for First Communion, second year, will be this Sunday, October 13, at 8:30 a.m. in English and 10:30 a.m. in Spanish. Please take your child to his/her class and walk to St. Frances Hall for the meeting. Reunión de padres La primera reunión Read More

Pre-School Still Enrolling

Religious Education Parents: The Preschool-Kinder Faith formation program is still accepting registrations. This class is offered from 9:50 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. for children 3-5 years of age. For more information, call Alessandra at 760-547-0716 AÚN INSCRIBIENDO PARA PREESCOLAR El programa de preescolar-Kínder esta aceptando inscripciones. Esta clase se ofrece de 11:50 a.m. a 1:00 Read More

Share Your Faith!

Religious Education Want to share your faith? Substitutes and teacher aides are needed! Join our team of Catechists! Call Lupita at 760-547-0756 for more information. ¿Quieres compartir tu fe? ¡Se necesitan sustitutos y asistentes de maestros! ¡Únete a nuestro equipo de Catequistas! Llame a Lupita al 760-547-0756 para más información.

Children’s Liturgy of the Word

Religious Education Parents, our free program for children in first through fourth grades begins Sunday, October 20th at 10 am Mass. Please register outside after mass on Sunday, October 6th, and Sunday, October 13th. Liturgia de la Palabra para Niños Nuestro programa gratuito comienza el domingo 20 de octubre durante la Misa de 12:00 p.m. Read More


Religious Education Parents, we invite you to an Open House to celebrate the beginning of our new Religious Education year. Join us on Sunday, September 15th, after the 10 a.m. and 12 noon masses. Preview your classroom, meet your teacher, and prepare for a fun, faith-filled new year! Registered children will receive a small welcome Read More

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