Together, we learn to live the Gospel of Jesus Christ in the spirit of St. Francis of Assisi.

Juntos aprendemos a vivir el Evangelio de Jesucristo en el espíritu de San Francisco de Asís.

Does God Punish Us?

At the center of our Lenten journey, this Sunday’s Gospel invites us to reflect on how we perceive suffering and God’s role in it. The evangelist Luke presents Jesus’ perspective on the tragic deaths of some Galileans and others crushed to death by the fall of a tower. People wonder if these tragedies were punishments Read More

Listen to Him

On the Second Sunday of Lent, the Church invites us to reflect on Jesus’s transfiguration, an event that revealed his divine glory. The Gospel of St. Luke tells us that Jesus goes up the mountain to pray, and during this prayer, his face changes, radiating the splendor of God’s glory. Elsewhere in Sacred Scripture, we Read More

Stepping Out of Our Comfort Zone

On Saturday, February 15th, some of the leaders of our Hispanic Community organized the event, Valentine’s Dinner and Dance, to support the General Fund of our parish. It was organized by the Hispanic Community, but opened to all. Last week, Fran Grothe shared how much she and her husband enjoyed this event. I asked her Read More

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