Learning to live the Gospel of Jesus Christ in the spirit of St. Francis of Assisi.

Growing in His Authentic Love

This past Monday, we started our new program called Forming Missionary Disciples. It is our response to your request to grow as active disciples of Christ. Even though the number was less than expected, it is hopeful to see that there are parishioners who want to grow in their faith. As we hear in the first reading today, God is willing to respect our decisions, but at the same time, He is telling us to continue trusting in Him, so we can have life everlasting.

Welcome Home! Ash Wednesday 2023

WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 2023, Ash Wednesday begins the season of Lent, a time of sacrifice and repentance as we strive to turn our hearts to Jesus.  Lent is a time to grow in holiness and prepare ourselves to enter into the Paschal Mystery (the suffering, death, resurrection, and ascension of Jesus).  The ashes we receive at church remind us of our mortality and the need to repent of our sins. The shape of the cross traced on our foreheads is a reminder of the sacrifice made for us on the cross by our savior, Jesus Christ.

If you have been away from Mass, away from the Eucharist, welcome home! Come, be fed by Jesus. Welcome back to the table of the Lord!

Celebrate the World Day for Consecrated Life

On February 2, the Feast of the Presentation of the Lord, popularly known as Candlemas, the Catholic Church also celebrates the World Day for Consecrated Life. The U.S. Bishops Conference has asked parishes to celebrate that day this weekend. Just as candles are usually blessed on the Feast of the Presentation to symbolize Christ as the light of the world, so too, those in consecrated life are called to reflect the light of Jesus Christ to all peoples.

Friendship Café

Married Couples: Come,  listen, and share your experience with cultural diversity in your marriage and family on Thursday, February 16,
at 7:00 p.m. in the Parish Dining Room.

Our vision is to provide opportunities for people from different cultures to develop multicultural friendships and to provide educational opportunities to learn about and appreciate other cultures.


Last year, Fr. Sam introduced the Polish tradition of “Chalking the Door” at Epiphany. This blessing offers a way to remember the visit of the Magi and dedicate your home to the Lord.

El año pasado, el Padre Sam introdujo la tradición polaca de “marcar con tiza la puerta” en la Epifanía. Esta bendición ofrece una forma de recordar la visita de los Reyes Magos y dedicar su hogar al Señor.

Rich Blessings / Pingües bendiciones

It is up to us to continue to carry the blessings we have received into the world, just as the shepherds “made known the message that had been told them.” Not only can you let others know of the good news that has been passed on to you, but you can bless others.

Además de anunciar las buenas nuevas, usted puede bendecir a los demás.

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