Learning to live the Gospel of Jesus Christ in the spirit of St. Francis of Assisi.

The Way It Should Be

The one who had much did not have too much, and the one who had little did not have too little. (2 Cor 8:15)

Faith and Healing

A Reflection From our Pastoral Team For today’s Gospel, we continue to read from the Gospel of Mark. Last Sunday, we heard about Jesus calming the storm, the first of four miracles that Jesus performed near the Sea of Galilee. These four miracle stories offer us a glimpse at Jesus’ power. This week, we hear Read More

Trusting in God

Bulletin Reflection If you had to explain what Jesus was up to in the gospels, one good answer would be, he was trying to make the familiar strange again. He wants those around him to see their lives, their world, and their faith in a whole new light. Sometimes that would involve him teaching, saying, Read More

Accepting God’s Mercy

Bulletin Reflection from Deacon Lyle In today’s Gospel, Jesus has just been healing and casting out demons in Galilee. Along with the crowds come people who do not understand what He is doing. Even His friends think He has lost His mind and needs to be taken away for a while. The scribes who came Read More

The Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ

From the Pastor’s desk Today, we celebrate the solemnity of Corpus Christi, also known as the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ; this feast honors Jesus Christ, Really, Truly, and Substantially Present under the appearances of bread and wine. This Presence happens through the change which the Church calls transubstantiation (“change of substance”) when Read More

The Most Holy Trinity

From the Associate Pastor’s desk This Sunday, May 26th, we are celebrating the feast of The Most Holy Trinity. It is a feast where God the Father reveals himself to us as God the Creator, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. There are not three gods, but one true God acting, communicating, and Read More


Immerse yourself in the beauty of our faith, hear from some of the most brilliant voices in Catholicism, and explore the mystery of the Eucharist anew as a part of the National Eucharistic Revival.

Happy Birthday, Church!

This Sunday, we celebrate the Feast of Pentecost. On Pentecost, we celebrate the descent of the Holy Spirit upon the apostles gathered full of fear in the upper room in Jerusalem. This marks the beginning of the Church.  We welcome the Holy Spirit into our hearts and lives to give hope to the hearts that are frightened.

Celebrating Mothers Day 2024

Happy Mother’s Day! Thank you to our parishioners who sent photographs of their mothers to honor them on their special day.

Jesus Is Lifted Up

The Holy Spirit continues to be poured upon all of us today, helps the church to proclaim the good news, to help the poor, and to love our neighbor. It is through the work of the Spirit that we meet Jesus and can see his work today.

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