Calendario de festivales 2024
Para el sábado 24 de agosto de 2024, celebra con nosotros la Fiesta de San Luis IX, Rey de Francia, con las siguientes festividades:
Learning to live the Gospel of Jesus Christ in the spirit of St. Francis of Assisi.
Para el sábado 24 de agosto de 2024, celebra con nosotros la Fiesta de San Luis IX, Rey de Francia, con las siguientes festividades:
For Saturday, August 24th, 2024, celebrate with us the Feast of St. Louis IX, King of France, with the following festivities:
This December, we begin the Jubilee Year: “Pilgrims of Hope.” from May 28 to June 6, Father Lalo, together with Lupe Ríos, will lead a pilgrimage to Rome. Our pilgrims will have the opportunity to pass through the four Holy Doors to obtain a plenary indulgence. The pilgrimage includes a visit to Assisi, Orvieto, and Read More
A Reflection From our Pastoral Team This Sunday is the Gospel of St. John, and we begin the chapter on the Eucharist. It starts with the multiplication of loaves and fish. It is an introduction to Jesus’s teaching on the Bread of Life. The feast of the Passover is near, and Jesus provides physical food Read More
A Reflection From our Pastoral Team Today, we are presented with a very brief gospel. Remember now that we are in the gospel of Saint Mark, and the great thing about Mark is that he leaves you asking questions all the time. Last Sunday, we heard that Jesus sent his apostles, two by two, to Read More
Jesus, our Savior, and Redeemer, not only sends his disciples to proclaim the Good News, but he also sends each of us to do the same. This mission is an obligation not only for priests and consecrated persons but for all men and women who have been baptized. How can we see, experience, and hear from our Savior if “the harvest is abundant, but the laborers are few”?
The Sacrament of the Sick is a “sign of visible compassion and hope,” asking the Lord to grant his strength to every loved one who receives it.
The one who had much did not have too much, and the one who had little did not have too little. (2 Cor 8:15)
A Reflection From our Pastoral Team For today’s Gospel, we continue to read from the Gospel of Mark. Last Sunday, we heard about Jesus calming the storm, the first of four miracles that Jesus performed near the Sea of Galilee. These four miracle stories offer us a glimpse at Jesus’ power. This week, we hear Read More
Bulletin Reflection If you had to explain what Jesus was up to in the gospels, one good answer would be, he was trying to make the familiar strange again. He wants those around him to see their lives, their world, and their faith in a whole new light. Sometimes that would involve him teaching, saying, Read More
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