The latest news, events, and opportunities for service from your parish family.

Christmas Angel Gift Program Information

PROGRAMA DE ÁNGELES DE REGALOS DE NAVIDAD CHRISTMAS ANGEL GIFT PROGRAM Our Angel Tree Program, which seeks to assist families in need with gifts for their children, is coming soon! HOW TO HELP AN ANGEL: Angels with the children’s gender and age and their wishes will be placed on the Christmas tree in the Parish Read More

Thank you Knights!

¡Gracias Caballeros! Over the past weekend (October 13, 2024), the Knights of Columbus Council 3162 presented Father Lalo with a check for $5,511.14 raised from the 2nd Annual MSgt Tuputala (Tala) Paulo Memorial Charity Golf Tournament held in August. MSgt Tuputala (Tala) Paulo was a dedicated member of the parish and a 26-year retired USMC Read More

Celebrating Blessed Carlo Acutis

Celebrando al Beato Carlo Acutis Saturday, October 12th, we welcomed the relic of Italian teenager Blessed Carlo Acutis at the 4:00 p.m. Mass. The Mass was followed by festivities brought to us by our Youth and Young Adult Ministry. Click the buttons for pictures from our two parish photo albums. Thank you to our parish Read More

Reflexión Pastoral 10-13-2024

Estar siempre cerca de Jesús, ese es mi plan de vida. – Carlo Acutis En noviembre de 2023, la Oficina de Evangelización y Catequesis de la Conferencia de Obispos Católicos de los Estados Unidos me invitó a entrevistar a Antonia Salzano, madre del Beato Carlos Acutis. Días después, recibí una reliquia de él de parte Read More

Safe Environment Training

Dear Parents, the Religious Education Department will conduct the Safe Environment training on Sunday, October 20th, 2024, per the Diocese of San Diego. Estimados padres, el departamento de educación religiosa llevará a cabo la capacitación sobre ambiente seguro el domingo 20 de octubre de 2024 de acuerdo con la Diócesis de San Diego.

Parents Meeting

Religious Education The first meeting for parents of elementary school children preparing for First Communion, second year, will be this Sunday, October 13, at 8:30 a.m. in English and 10:30 a.m. in Spanish. Please take your child to his/her class and walk to St. Frances Hall for the meeting. Reunión de padres La primera reunión Read More

Pastor’s Reflection for 10-13-2024

“To always be close to Jesus, that’s my life plan.” – Carlo Acutis In November 2023, the Office of Evangelization and Catechesis of the United States Catholic Conference of Bishops invited me to interview Antonia Salzano, mother of Blessed Carlos Acutis. Days later, I received a relic of him from his mother, and I decided Read More

Boletín 10-13-2024

REFLEXIÓN DEL EVANGELIO Este es un gran mensaje para nosotros; podemos sentir la santidad no como algo lejano sino como algo muy al alcance de todos. Dios es un Dios de todos. – Padre Lalo Jara ¡NUEVO ESTA SEMANA! Durante la semana que comienza el 13 de octubre de 2024, disfrute de las Escrituras, noticias Read More

Bulletin for 10-13-2024

GOSPEL REFLECTION This is a great message for us; we can feel holiness not as a distant thing but as something very much within everyone’s reach. God is a God of everyone. Fr. Lalo Jara, OFM New this week! For the week beginning October 13, 2024, enjoy scriptures, news, and events from your parish family Read More

MOP (Maintain Our Parish) Invites you!

MOP (Mantiene Nuestra Parroquia) ¡Te Invita! On Saturday, October 12th, and the second Saturday of every month, we welcome parishioners to join us in Serra Gardens at 8:00 a.m. We gather to do all those little tasks that make the parish beautiful and tranquil. This is your parish home! It’s a great opportunity to meet Read More

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