Reflections on the weekly gospel from our Pastor.

If Adam & Eve Did Not Sin?

Would Christ still have come into the world if Adam and Eve did not sin?

The great medieval Franciscan theologian John Duns Scotus responded YES to that question.

For Scotus, the Incarnation is so central to the divine plan that it should be considered independent from human sin. That is, of the fall of Adam and Eve. God’s actions should be pure initiative, not reactive and caused by sin. God became human because he wanted us to be united to Godself.

Christ the King

Today we close the liturgical cycle with the celebration of Christ the King, a celebration that serves as a bridge between the end of the current cycle and the next. The key to this liturgical celebration lies in the understanding and interpretation that we have of this title of Christ as King, as this understanding will mark our perspective of what we have experienced as Christians throughout the previous year and will also mark our expectations regarding the future that awaits in the new cycle.

Go Vote!

In light of Catholic teaching, the bishops vigorously repeat their call for renewed politics that focuses on moral principles, the promotion of human life and dignity, and the pursuit of the common good. Political participation in this spirit reflects not only the social teaching of our Church but the best traditions of our nation.

A Reflection On All Hallows Eve

From the Pastor’s Desk From our Director of Religious Education The Catholic Church is a Church of life and light. We love to celebrate, we have feast days all year long! Throughout the year, we celebrate the saints that are recognized by the Church, but on All Saints Day, we remember the saints whose names Read More

The Importance of Humble Prayer

From the Pastor’s Desk From our Director of Religious Education In today’s Gospel, we continue to hear about the importance of prayer, specifically, humble prayer. In the Gospel of Luke, Jesus tells the following Parable: Two men enter the temple to pray, one man a Pharisee, the other a tax collector. Pharisees’ were people who Read More

The Grateful Samaritan

From the Pastor’s Desk The story of the grateful Samaritan offers us another image of who and what matters to Jesus and should, therefore, matter to us. Jesus’ care for the marginalized (here ten lepers and at least one of them doubly marginalized, a Samaritan.) The appropriate response to Jesus, a response of faithful recognition Read More

Let Us Be Transformed by the Gospel

From Our Deacon In this Sunday’s Gospel, Jesus continues to teach us about the responsibility that humanity acquired since the beginning of time when we were appointed by God as administrators of creation. This means that God has created and designed human beings in a very special way, giving them everything necessary to act as Read More

We Have A Deacon!

From the Associate Pastor’s Desk WE HAVE A DEACON! Brother Salvador Mejia, OFM was ordained as a transitional deacon for our parish by Bishop Cardinal Robert McElroy last Friday. Here is some explanation about deacons from our bishops: Who is a Deacon? Deacons are ordained as a sacramental sign to the Church and to the Read More

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