Together, we work to live a life of generosity and service, following in the footsteps of our Lord, Jesus Christ.

Juntos, trabajamos para vivir una vida de generosidad y servicio, siguiendo los pasos de nuestro Señor Jesucristo.

Tri-City Hospital Eucharistic Ministers

MINISTROS EUCARÍSTICOS DEL HOSPITAL TRI-CITY The Parish Tri-City Hospital Eucharistic Ministry needs more volunteers. These volunteers visit TCH patients weekly and offer them the Holy Eucharist. El Ministerio Eucarístico Parroquial del Hospital Tri-City necesita más voluntarios. Estos voluntarios visitan semanalmente a los pacientes del Hospital Tri-City y les ofrecen la Sagrada Eucaristía. Interested In Volunteering? If Read More

Bereavement Ministry Meeting

Our Bereavement ministry will meet on  Wednesday, March 26th, at 1:30 p.m. in Room #119.  Please, all bereavement ministers and servers, mark your calendars to attend.   Nuestro ministerio de duelo tendrá una reunión el miércoles 26 de marzo a la 1:30 p.m. en el salón #119. Por favor, todos los ministros y servidores de duelo, Read More

New Bereavement Ministers Needed

Funeral Planning The mission and commitment of the Bereavement Ministry is to ensure that no member of our parish community grieves alone, without the love, practical skills, and resurrection faith we hold in trust for one another. Bereavement Ministers meet with the deceased’s family to explain the services offered by the Parish and help plan Read More

Annual Catholic Appeal: Assistance for Catholic Education

We thank those who have responded to the Annual Catholic Appeal by turning in pledges. We still need your help, so if you haven’t returned your pledge cards or made a pledge online, this is your opportunity! Please bring your completed pledge card to mass next weekend. “Welcoming.” “Amazing.” “Successful.” That’s how some teachers described Read More

Reflexión Pastoral 2-23-2025

“Como buenos administradores de la multiforme gracia de Dios, sírvanse unos a otros con el don que cada uno haya recibido”. — 1 Pedro 4:10. La Cooperación Anual Católica apoya a seminaristas que se preparan para el sacerdocio, ayudándolos a pagar su formación. En 2025, tres seminaristas serán ordenados en nuestra diócesis, la culminación de Read More

Assistance for Seminarians & Retired Priests

“Like good stewards of the manifold grace of God, serve one another with whatever gift each of you has received.” — 1 Peter 4:10. The Annual Catholic Appeal provides essential support for seminarians preparing for the priesthood, helping to fund their formation. Three seminarians will be ordained to the priesthood in our diocese in 2025, Read More

Assistance for Catholic Charities

“Like good stewards of the manifold grace of God, serve one another with whatever gift each of you has received.” — 1 Peter 4:10. “This place helps people like me who have nowhere to go. They offer us a safe place and food. The good people here make us feel human again.” That’s how one Read More

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