Creation Care Invites you To meet Thursday, April 20, 2023

Glory to God!


Dear Creation Care Ministry team members & supporters:

Happy Easter!

This is a friendly reminder that we are meeting tonight, Apr. 20, 2023:
Where: Rm.#119 (Parish Center).
Time: 6:30-7:30 p.m.

Tonight, we will finalize our plans for Earth Day 2023, :). We are ready to celebrate Earth Day 2023; it’s happening this coming Saturday (Saturday, Apr. 22, 2023)!

Together with a group of young people from our parish, we will participate in the county-wide Cleanup event: “Creek to Bay: Your Neighborhood/ Our Environment.”

If you would also like to volunteer for the cleanup, a few sites in North County are still in need of volunteers. Go to the following link and follow the prompts to register:

Note: If you choose to sign up for the county-wide cleanup (see link above), make sure that you volunteer at a site where the terrain is OK for you to get around, and that you will have ready access to restrooms and/or other accommodations that you require.

You can also celebrate Earth Day 2023 by following any of the activities suggested by Catholic Climate Covenant (click on the link):

Lastly, we invite you to watch the following video to practice “Simple Living” by caring for creation:

Happy (early) Earth Day 2023!
Be reminded that you are part of God’s marvelous creation, :).

If you are unable to be present at our meeting tonight but would like to offer us any feedback, please contact us. Thank You!

“May our struggles and our concern for this planet never take away the joy of our hope.”
Pope Francis, Laudato Si’, par. 244.

MSLRP’s Creation Care
Meredith, Manty, Carmen, Caroline & Tony

Our Ministry Vision and Mission: Inspired by St. Francis and based on the teachings of Pope Francis’ encyclical Laudato Si’, we have been called to action by our Holy Father to answer “the cry of the Earth and the cry of the Poor” by becoming stewards of our common home. As stewards, we strive to protect our planet and live in harmony with God’s creation by educating and motivating our parish community to act toward a sustainable future.

Our Ministry Goals: Educate Ourselves, Invite Others, and Protect People and the Planet.

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