Fasting: An Encounter with Jesus Christ

Rerflection for 3-9-2025

Fasting is more than a practice. It is an invitation to draw closer to Jesus. According to the Gospels, many people approached Jesus, and many of us continue to do the same today. But why do we seek Him? Do we come to Jesus only when we need something, or do we seek Him out of love? True discipleship means coming to Jesus to know Him more deeply, to experience His love, and to remain with Him, not just to ask for favors.

Fasting is a spiritual discipline that teaches us detachment and freedom. It is not just about abstaining from food, but about stopping doing anything that controls us. Can we go a day without meat? Maybe so, but without our phones? Without unnecessary distractions? Fasting reminds us that nothing in this world should enslave us. It is an opportunity to focus less on ourselves and more on God, to live simply and be focused on Him.

Jesus loves us beyond measure. Only He can satisfy the deepest hunger of our hearts. When we fast, we make room for Him. It’s not just about giving something up; it’s about gaining something greater: God’s presence, peace, and love.

As we journey through Lent, let’s fast from food and anything that draws us away from God. Let’s seek Christ, not out of convenience but out of love, and allow Him to be our greatest treasure.

Have a beautiful and blessed Lent!

Fr. Lalo Jara, OFM

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