The readings for the 3rd Sunday of Lent help us understand that we must follow God’s commandments and genuinely live them in our hearts to find life. The first reading gives us the Ten Commandments. The second reading reminds us that God’s wisdom is unlike human wisdom. The gospel tells of Jesus cleansing the temple of the money changers who put their desires above serving the Father.
The temple was a sacred space for the Jewish people and was meant to be a place of worship and prayer. Jesus’ actions demonstrate the importance of maintaining the temple’s sanctity and not allowing it to become a marketplace. The first reading also emphasizes the importance of worshiping and serving God alone. In both cases, there is a focus on the centrality of God in our worship and church practices.
Jesus’ zeal for God’s house is evident in his actions in the temple. As believers, we are called to have a similar zeal for God’s house and to prioritize our relationship with God above all else. Jesus’ cleansing of the temple is also a symbol of the purification of the heart. As believers, we are called to strive for purity of heart, which means being mindful of our thoughts, words, and actions and ensuring they align with God’s will. As Catholics, we believe that Jesus is present in the Eucharist and that every time we participate in Mass, we enter into God’s presence. The Gospel reading reminds us of the significance of the Eucharist and the importance of approaching it with reverence and awe. This also ties in with the first reading, which reminds us to keep the Sabbath holy.
Peace and all good, Friar Oscar Mendez, OFM
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