Cash / Envelopes
To receive envelopes for weekly offerings, please register in the parish office. Click for a form to fill out.
Online Donations
Click the GIVE ONLINE button below to access Online Giving. You may schedule your Sunday giving, Capital Campaign, special collection, and Religious Education donations quickly and easily. You can set up recurring donations and change your contribution amounts at any time. The site is fully secure.
Annual Catholic Appeal
Your contributions make possible the work that affects so many in our diocese: assistance to the poor, formation of new priests, care for our retired priests, evangelization and accompaniment of Young Adults, the presence of Christ for those imprisoned, and education of our children.
Create a Free Will or Trust
This free online resource makes creating your will in the Franciscan spirit of providing for our community’s spiritual and temporal needs simple and cost-free. Best of all, it takes just 20 minutes.