Dear Brothers and Sisters,
On these days, when best wishes, the most endearing human feelings, and the social values typical of Christian roots flourish, on these days of celebration, of joy, of places and houses with many decorations and lights, it is suitable to announce the true protagonist: Jesus.
Christmas is a mystery of love. Love of the Father who has sent his only begotten Son, Emmanuel, God with us, into the world to give us life and life in abundance. Christmas has always been a busy holiday. I think we could use a little silence, to hear the voice of Love, the voice of a God who shows his greatness in small things.

Dear brother and sister:
- The pine tree at Christmas is you when you strongly resist life’s difficulties.
- The Christmas decorations are you when your virtues decorate your life.
- The Christmas bell is you when you call your family to live together.
- You are Christmas light when you illuminate the path of others with kindness, patience, joy, and generosity.
- You are the Christmas angels when you sing a message of peace, justice, and love to the world.
- The Christmas star is you when you lead others to meet the Lord.
- You are also the Three Magi, when you give your best to someone without expecting anything in return.
- The Christmas carols are you when you achieve harmony inside you.
- The Christmas gift is you when you are truly a friend and brother or sister to every human being.
- The Christmas card is you when goodness is written by your hands.
- The Christmas greeting is you when you forgive, and you restore peace in your family.
- The Christmas dinner is you, when you satisfy with bread and hope the poor who are next to you.
- You are Christmas night, when humbly and consciously, you silently receive the King of the world without noise or grand celebrations.
- You are a smile of confidence and tenderness in the inner peace of a Christmas that establishes the Kingdom of God within you and is outwardly projected with your acts of kindness.
I wish you a very Merry Christmas. My blessing. May the Christ child always give you his peace!!
Fr. Lalo Jara, OFM
Pastor, Mission San Luis Rey Parish
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