From the Associate Pastor

This Sunday, April 10, we are celebrating Palm Sunday, “of the Passion of the Lord.” As it is a very long and intense Gospel, I want to highlight some very important details so that we may meditate on them during Holy Week. Jesus chooses twelve men, the twelve apostles, to train them, catechize them, and to help him with the mission of bringing the Good News to all peoples and nations. Even though Jesus was with them for three years, one of them betrayed him, another denied him, and the others abandoned him—except for John, the beloved disciple.
During the last supper, which Jesus wished to have with them, he spoke to them about the importance of humility, service, and surrender. While Jesus was eating with them, the conversation rose among them about who would be the most important. Jesus told them that whoever wants to be first among them must be last and be their servant. “For everyone who exalts himself will be humbled, but the one who humbles himself will be exalted.” Jesus also speaks to them of the importance of giving oneself to one another with love and for love of the Kingdom of Heaven, as he voluntarily gave himself with love and for love of them and for all humanity, so that we might have life and life in abundance.
How are we going to prepare ourselves for Holy Week? Are we going to try to imitate and follow the example of Jesus, our savior, and redeemer? Will we make the resolution to practice humility, service, and dedication to one another, as Jesus did for us? Let’s enter this Holy Week with great seriousness and commitment so that it is not just any other week. Let us try to practice silence, solitude, austerity, fasting, prayer, works of charity, and works of mercy. Let us accompany Jesus and not leave him alone because he never leaves us alone, much less abandons us. Let’s make the resolution to fast from social networks, television, radio, telephone, Facebook, etc. I hope that this Holy Week helps us to be better human beings, imitating and following the example of Jesus, who loves us unconditionally and above all things. “Let us taste and see the goodness of the Lord.”
With love and respect, Father Alberto Villafan, ofm.
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