Introducing Fr. More Torres, ofm



Fr. Macario “More” Torres, OFM

My name is Macario Torres. In México I am known as Jacobo as well. Jacobo was my religious name as a friar. I now go by More, as I have been affectionately known since childhood. I was born in Romita, Guanajuato; México. My parents are Juan and Teresa. I have six brothers and four sisters.

Romita is a farming town. The inhabitants there are very religious people with a long history of cultural traditions. I grew up in my hometown, where I received my early education. As a teenager, I felt a call to religious life and the Franciscan Order. I entered the novitiate and professed my first vows but later left the community to pursue other paths.

During that time, I taught religion and Spanish in a high school and then studied Theology as a layman for two years. Eventually, I came to the United States of America to study English while living at Casa Juan Diego in San Antonio, Texas. I was accepted as a postulant for our Franciscan Province of the Sacred Heart at Joliet, Illinois. Then I made my novitiate at Cedar Lake, Indiana, and eventually continued my theological studies at the Catholic Theological Union in Hyde Park, during which I spent a year at Laverna Friary and did ministry at Saint Anthony Parish in Saint Louis, Missouri, before my solemn profession. Then, on October 19, 2013, I solemnly professed my vows in Saint Louis, MO. After that, I moved to Saint Peter’s Church in Chicago and was ordained a Deacon on January 18, 2014 in Saint Peter’s. Finally, I finished my theological studies in May 2014. Also, I helped as a Deacon at Assumption Parish just across the River in Chicago and at Saint John the Baptist Parish in Joliet, Illinois.

On September 27, 2014, I was ordained into the office of Priesthood. Right after my ordination, I was appointed Parochial Vicar of Saint Francis Solanus in Quincy, IL. Then, my provincial asked me to move to Joliet, IL, to serve as a Parochial Vicar of Saint John the Baptist. Then, I was appointed pastor of two little parishes in San Antonio, Texas (Mission San Francisco de la Espada and Saint Frances X. Cabrini). Now, my provincial has asked me to accept the new assignment as parochial vicar of Mission San Luis Rey Parish in Oceanside, CA, where I hope to serve the people of God faithfully and to work hard as a good instrument of peace and an authentic follower of our Seraphic Father, Saint Francis of Assisi. I commend myself for your prayers, and I expect to walk together on this great adventure.

Pace e Bene! Your friend, Fr. More

(En Español)

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