On Saturday and Sunday, March 25th and 26th, our Parish Squires and Roses will be accepting food donations after all Masses. Help us fill our parish Social Outreach Easter Food baskets. We need cans of tuna, spam, soup, chili, vegetables, jams, jellies, fruit, and tomato sauce. Peanut butter, macaroni and cheese, cooking oil, crackers, and boxed cereals are also needed. Please bring your items to mass! Thank you for your generosity.
El sábado y domingo, 25 y 26 de marzo, nuestros Escuderos y Rosas Parroquiales aceptarán donaciones de alimentos después de todas las Misas. Ayúdenos a llenar las canastas de comida de Pascua de los Programas Sociales de nuestra parroquia. Necesitamos latas de atún, spam, sopa, chile, verduras, mermeladas, jaleas, frutas y salsa de tomate. También se necesitan mantequilla de maní, macarrón con queso, aceite de cocina, galletas saladas y cereales en caja. ¡Por favor traiga sus artículos a Misa! Gracias por tu generosidad.

Did you know, you can conveniently donate much-needed food through our Amazon Wishlist! It’s easy. Just sign in to your Amazon account, check out our list, and shop from the comfort of your own home! Items will be shipped directly to Mission San Luis Rey Parish and used to help local families in need.
Questions? Please give me a call or drop me a note. Loretto Food Pantry: 760-547-0708, Grisel@sanluisreyparish.org