My Words Will Not Pass Away

Faith Formation

Surely, as we listen to, reflect and meditate over the readings for this Sunday, November 14, many doubts, fears, uncertainties, anxieties, and perhaps even depression may arise in our minds and hearts; because the readings anticipate what will happen at the end of the world. We hear in the media that “a great blackout and days of famine” are coming. This is as a result of what we have been living: diseases, violence, hunger, wars, murders, etc. Let us acknowledge and be aware that this type of thing has always existed. Let’s not lose our calmness and tranquility and much less our serenity. God has been and will always be with us until the end of the world. Let us not be alarmed, much less distressed by everything we are experiencing. God has the last word.

Let us listen and reflect over these words in the Gospel of Saint Mark, which Jesus offers us in encouragement: “Amen, I say to you, this generation will not pass away until all these things have taken place. Heaven and earth pass away, but my words will not pass away. But of that day or hour, no one knows, neither the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father.” (Mark 13, 30-32). Let us have a lot of faith and trust in God, in the midst of so much uncertainty and confusion. Let’s try to live always doing God’s will, living in grace and holiness, and everything will be fine because only God knows the moment and the hour when everything will come to an end. Let us always live facing God because from Him we come and to Him one day we will return.

Fr. Alberto Villafan, OFM

Let’s not live for the world, let’s live for God and everything will be fine. God is in control of our lives. Let’s not live in anguish, or be depressed, much less sad. Let’s live each day as if it were the first and the last. Only God knows the moment and hour when he will call us into his presence. Let us trust fully in the word of God and everything will be fine.

With love and affection, Father Alberto Villafan, ofm.

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