Funeral Planning
The mission and commitment of the Bereavement Ministry is to ensure that no member of our parish community grieves alone, without the love, practical skills, and resurrection faith we hold in trust for one another.

Bereavement Ministers meet with the deceased’s family to explain the services offered by the Parish and help plan the funeral, such as selecting the scriptural readings, prayers of the faithful, and other details.
This Ministry is also responsible for the special Mass on All Souls’ Day, which honors those who have died during the year.
The Ministry provides families with the means of celebrating the life of their loved one. Far from being depressing, the Bereavement Ministry is an uplifting experience – a true celebration of life. We share in the family’s tears and laughter as we focus on their loved one’s life.
The Bereavement Ministry began in Mission San Luis Rey Parish 20 years ago. A direct outgrowth of Friendly Visitors, the Ministry started when a need was identified to assist those grieving through the funeral-planning process for their beloved deceased.
We obtained our initial training through Orange County Catholic Services in
Anaheim. The six-week program showed the importance of being a compassionate liaison between the priest and the grieving family members.
- What is the time commitment? It varies according to your availability and the number of funerals scheduled for that month.
- When are members of this ministry most needed? Bereavement Ministers are scheduled to assist at funerals and memorial services as needed.
- What about training? There is an initial “one-on-one” assignment with experienced members of the Ministry, in which a workbook containing Scripture readings and music appropriate for funerals is provided. Members may also be required to act as acolytes and Eucharistic ministers. Training is provided. No one is asked to do anything they are unprepared to accomplish. Bereavement Ministers must also be Eucharistic Ministers.
Interested In Volunteering?
Contact us for more details:
Those interested in learning more about being a Bereavement Minister please contact :
Aurora Mangohig (For the English Speaking Community)
Amy Herrera (for the Spanish Speaking Community)
(760) 703-3952
You can also call the parish office at 760-757-3250 and leave your name, phone number, and email.
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