On March 22, 2025, there will be a Lector Workshop at the parish with check-in at 8:30 a.m. in the Parish Dining Room. The afternoon portion will take place in the Parish Church. There is a $10 donation for lunch. To sign up, please email linda@sanluisrey.org

The Lector Ministry at Mission San Luis Rey Parish seeks individuals who love scripture and have public reading or speaking skills.
For more than 40 years, lay people at
Mission San Luis Rey Parish has been able to proclaim the Word at Mass. Lectors must be aware of the
responsibility of this task. For many
people, the proclamation of the Word at Sunday Mass and the proclamation of the Gospel by the priest is the only time they are regularly exposed to Holy Scripture.
Our mission is to proclaim God’s Word, which reveals God’s action in our lives, and to make the liturgy of the Word as meaningful as possible for the worshipping assembly. We strive to impart God’s Word clearly and compellingly so that the community is inspired to ponder and meditate on how God’s Word is visible in their daily lives.
- As a member of the lector ministry, you will proclaim the readings or Prayers of the Faithful at least twice a month. A schedule will be emailed through Flocknote a week or more before the new month begins.
- Lectors must be certified by the Diocese. When provided, workshops may be taken at the Diocese or at the parish.
- Lectors have the opportunity and are highly recommended to purchase a Lector Workbook each year to help them understand where the readings fit in Scripture and how they fit together for an individual worship service. The workbook also includes a pronunciation guide and visual aids for proclamation.
- Lectors are asked to let the coordinator know if they cannot read on a particular day of the month that is being scheduled. If you are scheduled and have a conflict, contact the coordinator to find a sub.
- Lectors may also be asked to participate in Parish activities such as special Masses, a Welcome Table once a month, and the annual Ministry Fair. Attendance in Parish programs such as First Friday Adoration and Forming Missionary Disciples to nourish one’s spiritual life is highly encouraged.
- Lectors must maintain a simple dress code that conveys that they care about serving the people and God. Clothing should never distract from ministry.
Interested In Volunteering?
Contact us for more details:
Linda Causee
You can also call the parish office at 760-757-3250 and leave your name, phone number, and email.
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