Now, You Are God’s People

Fr. Vince Mesi, OFM

Peace and all Good! Today we hear the theme of God’s universal salvation offered to all people who profess faith in the Resurrection of Christ. The Second Reading is once again taken from The First Letter of St. Peter. We hear the images of “precious cornerstone”, “chosen race,” ‘royal priesthood” and “holy nation”, which are traditionally attributed to Israel, but now they are appropriated by Peter as language for the evangelization of the Gentiles.

In the verse just after today’s passage, Peter says: “Once you were ‘no people’/ but now you are God’s people.” With the death and resurrection of Jesus, Peter now is able to understand this. God’s raising Jesus from the dead extends the invitation of salvation beyond Israel to include all people. Furthermore, Peter says that we are called to “announce the praise of him who called (us) out of darkness into his wonderful light.” Can we see how we are commissioned in Baptism and Confirmation to a missionary discipleship? How do we live lives that announce “the Lord’s praise?”

As we continue our “Stay in Place” for a while longer, I am remembering with sadness all of those children and young people who have been preparing for their First Holy Communion and Confirmation and who because of the pandemic, will not be able to receive these sacraments this month. I do feel bad for them! Also, it is sad that our catechumens were not able to be received into the Church at the Easter Vigil. Believe me, as soon as we get the “all clear”, we will move ahead and celebrate with all of these young people and adults as never before! To all of you please know that we love you and look forward to the day when we will all be together again around the Lord’s Table!

Perhaps just a little update on the remodel of St. Francis Hall. Due to the pandemic, construction has been at a standstill in order to protect the workers and also because supplies have not been readily available. It seems that slowly we will begin the construction again with a limited number of workers for their safety. And so, it looks like September probably before we will finish the hall. I know we have all been anxiously awaiting its completion. One possibility is to dedicate “St. Francis Hall: A Space Renewed” on the Feast of St. Francis, October 4th. We will have to see how things progress. Please keep all of this in your prayers. Thank you.

In closing, I offer my prayers and blessing to all of our mothers on this beautiful Mother’s Day! We will be remembering all of our mothers—living and deceased—in our Masses this weekend. Let us pray for our mothers, who have given us life and love and that we may show them reverence and love always. Amen. Love, Fr. Vince

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