Rejoice and Be Glad!

Easter Joy!

From Our Pastor

This is the day the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad (today’s psalm). We just celebrated the Triduum, commemorating the passion, death, and resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ, and today we celebrate the victory of our Lord over death. We welcome our new brothers and sisters to our community, they received their baptism during the Easter Vigil, and today we all can rejoice and be glad because this is the day the Lord has made!

He is Risen!

Our Gospel today, taken from John, tells us the discovery of an empty tomb by Mary Magdalene, and she runs to tell the disciples about it. Simon Peter and the beloved disciple race to the tomb, presumably to verify Mary’s report.

The beloved disciple arrives first but does not enter the tomb until after Simon Peter. This detail paints a vivid picture, as does the detail provided about the burial cloths. Some scholars believe that the presence of the burial cloths in the tomb offers evidence to the listener that Jesus’ body had not been stolen (it is understood that grave robbers would have taken the burial cloths together with the body).

No one can take the Risen Savior from us. No one and no situation, no matter how terrible, can take His Presence from us. This is the Gift of Easter Sunday! Our life is hidden with Christ in God. May our spiritual lives have an infinite precedence over our physical lives. May the life of the Risen Lord flow through our veins so that every thought, word, and deed of our lives may shout out: Jesus Lives! May we all be happy in the hope of eternal life. Those of us who have experienced the presence of the Risen Lord in our own lives have the commandment to tell other people that He is alive, and we are witnesses of that.

Happy Easter, everybody! He is risen. He has truly risen!

Peace and all good, Friar Oscar Mendez, OFM

(En Español)

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