Thanks from Wheelchair Sunday

¡GRACIAS! UPDATE: Thank you, Parish Family! Due to your generosity on Wheelchair Sunday last weekend, the Knights of Columbus can obtain about 40 wheelchairs for needy children and adults in Mexico.  Gracias a su generosidad el pasado fin de semana, “Domingo de Recaudación para Sillas de Ruedas”, los Caballeros de Colón pudieron obtener para ayudar Read More

Novena for Life / Novena por la vida

As a spiritual preparation for the San Diego Walk for Life, parishes across San Diego and Mission San Luis Rey Parish will participate in a Multicultural Novena for Life that begins on Friday, January 10th, and ends on Saturday, January 18th. Como preparación espiritual para la Caminata por la Vida de San Diego, las parroquias Read More

Valentine’s Day Dinner Dance / Cena y Baile de San Valentín

Tickets for the upcoming Valentine’s Day Dinner on Saturday, February 15th, at 6 pm, in St. Francis Hall,  are now available after Mass and will be available in the parish office.  They are $40.00 per person.  VIP tickets for $55.00 per person are also available, with preferred seating, wine on the table, and special cheese Read More

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